Does gynecomastia surgery leave scars?
Scarring is unavoidable after any surgical procedure, but your surgeon will work carefully to place the incisions in an easily concealed area. The scars will also fade over time and should be significantly improved after 6-12 months.
Can gynecomastia return after surgery?
Gynecomastia surgery is a permanent solution for most patients. However, just like any other surgical procedure, the patient’s lifestyle post-surgery will affect their long-term results. For example, weight gain after surgery can also cause fat to grow in the chest, creating the appearance of larger breasts.
How does gynecomastia go away?
Gynecomastia will sometimes go away after puberty as hormone levels balance out, but many adult patients require gynecomastia surgery as an effective and long-term solution.
Does gynecomastia go away with weight loss?
Weight loss can sometimes improve symptoms of gynecomastia but will not completely resolve the condition. Gynecomastia is caused by excess glandular tissue, not fat, so surgery is often required for the best outcome. However, people with pseudogynecomastia have enlarged breasts caused by fat buildup and this can potentially be treated with weight loss alone.
What is the best treatment for gynecomastia?
The best treatment for gynecomastia is male breast reduction or gynecomastia surgery. During the procedure, excess glandular tissue and fat will be removed to flatten and tone the appearance of the chest.
What is gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a medical condition also known as enlarged male breasts. Male breast enlargement can be caused by many factors such as fluctuating hormone levels during puberty, natural aging, medications, or anabolic steroid use. Certain health conditions can also cause higher levels of estrogen (the female hormone) than testosterone (the male hormone), leading to the growth of glandular breast tissue.