Posted on 12 Sep 2018
You have finally made the decision to have a mommy makeover, and now you need to talk to your children about your upcoming procedure. This alone can be one of the most challenging tasks when electing to have a mommy makeover. You want to be honest with your children, but you don’t want to scare or worry them. For the most part, your discussion will be guided by your “motherly instinct,” but if you need a little more guidance, the experts at Neaman Plastic Surgery can help lead you in the right direction.
Let the Child Lead the Conversation
What you say and how you say it much depends on the age of your children. While you may keep your conversation short and sweet with younger children as to not scare them, older children may have more questions and will require a bit more explaining.
For little ones, most of their concerns come into play after your procedure when they want your attention and desire to be picked up and cuddled. Prior to your procedure, it’s important to explain how mommy will have to take a couple of weeks off. Sometimes it can be as simple as saying, “Mommy isn’t feeling well and has a boo-boo.” However, for older children, limited information isn’t always enough.
Sometimes, an in-depth conversation is needed when the child begins asking questions, especially with daughters. The main thing you want to keep in mind is to promote a healthy and positive body image. Remember, confidence is contagious. If you display being happy with your body, it will be passed along to your child. They need to know that plastic surgery is not a cure-all but a supplement to a healthy lifestyle.
If You’re Excited, Your Children Will Be Excited
Children feed off of your emotions. If you worry, they’re going to worry. If you’re scared, they’re going to be scared. You need to be calm for your children. They are looking to you for direction to guide them. Show them how excited you are. They may have an initial concern because let’s face it, the thought of surgery is a little scary, but if you are displaying excitement, they are going to follow.
Let Neaman Plastic Surgery Help You Prepare Your Family
A mommy makeover is an exciting time for mothers, but we understand that it can also be overwhelming, especially when it comes to explaining the procedure to your children. Dr. Neaman and Dr. Christiansen are here to help you. Schedule a consultation by calling (844) 338-5445 and let them guide you in preparing your family for your mommy makeover journey.

Dr. Keith Neaman
Dr. Neaman is a board-certified plastic surgeon that specializes in surgical body contouring. He prides himself on being on the cutting edge of plastic surgery. He takes an informative approach to each consultation, and through open dialogue and communication, he helps his patients decide on a treatment plan that meets their needs.